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De novo



Name Main feature
ABySS2 An assembler intended for SGS PE and linked reads.
AllPath-LG Uses a unipath graph from the k-mer paths to collapse repeats.
MEGAHIT An ultrafast and memory-efficient assembler for SGS reads.
SOAPdenovo De Bruijn graph assembler with an error correction stage.
Falcon/HGAP Diploid-aware mode including trim, correction, and consensus for PacBio reads.
CANU A fork of the Celera Assembler, including trim, correction, and consensus for TGS reads.
SMARTdenovo De novo assembler including all-vs.-all raw read alignments without an error correction stage for TGS reads.
MECAT Ultrafast mapping, error correction, and de novo assembly tools for single-molecule sequencing reads.
Flye A repeat graph mode including trim, correction, and consensus with polishing for TGS reads.
Shasta A run-length representation of ONT reads.